Customer Testimonials
We believe in listening to our customers, guiding them by understanding their financial needs and thus helping them grow

Mr. Anil Panchal
Brahmani Engineering
Background: I’ve been in this business for the last 20 years and still going strong. It wasn’t an easy journey for me at the beginning. I belong to a lower middle class family and times were difficult. After completing my internship, I came across an acquaintance who asked me to help him setup a welding ...

Mr. Rahul Agarwal
Precitech Forging & Engineering
Background: We were into trading for the last 15 years. I started the manufacturing business in the year 2011 with just 2 old machines and a turnover of Rs.1.5 Cr. EFL Role: There was lot of challenges faced while running the business, like managing a unit, less orders in the initial days etc. In the ...

Mr. Vijayraj Jadeja
Raj Engineers
Background: M/S Raj Engineers was started by Mr Vijayraj Jadeja in 1999. from a rented premises and one machine. M/S Raj Engineers is involved in business of manufacturing of Spare Parts, Pump Spares, Surface Grinding Machine Parts, Broaching Tools, Industrial Impellers, Gauge Exporter in India, Plain Ring Manufacturer, Electric and Textile Spare Parts. EFL Role: ...

Renny Jose
Core Plasto
Background: In 2006, we got new orders worth INR 28 lacs, but all our existing machines were occupied in routine work. We urgently required finance for the purchase of new molding machines to fulfill new orders. Time was a major factor as the order would have gone to someone else had we not got finance ...

Mr. Arun Dhanpal
Kokila Group
Background: I was just 23 & a college going student in my last year of Electronics Engineering. We were having a very small set up with a lot of loans, there was no other option for me other than taking up the responsibility to earn money. This led to giving priority to earning, then focusing ...

Mr. Ravindra Nesarikar
Sneha Polimar
Background: Although our family was not having any business background, I always aimed of starting my own business. To purchase my 1st machine I had to invest lakhs of amount. EFL Role: During the search we connected with EFL, we tied with EFL. Through EFL support we did good business. In the 10 years span ...

Mr. Nimesh Gajjar
Shri Vishwakarma Mould
Background: Mr. Nimesh Gajjar has done Engineering in Plastic Line from CIPET. With technical Experience he started and healthy experience of the market, Mr. Nimesh Gajjar, Hemant Gajjar & Pradip Gajjar are brothers who together started their firm in a small rented premises in the year 2000. The business was started with only 1 Drill ...

Mr. Kashinath Jagdale
Technico Engineering
Background: Our Company, Technico Engineers was established in 1976. We were a ‘Partnership’ firm up until 2001, post that we ran the business ourselves. In initial stages, we faced a lot of roadblocks to run the business, financially and morally. While going through the turmoil, we got tremendous support from relatives and friends. They helped ...

Mr. Satish K
Triton Engineering
Entrepreneur Mr.Satish. K has astounded us with his ‘Empowered Dreams’ story. Read it to believe it! At the beginning, I was managing the entire show including production, delivery, accounting, finance, etc. I was planning to increase my operations in the second year. In that process, I came across banks. The bad experience in the loan ...