Loan Eligibility Calculator Calculate your loan eligibility Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Company Name *Phone No *Loan Type *Please select loan type..New Machine / Generator PurchaseUsed Machine PurchaseBusiness Loan on Machines (for Working Capital)Loan against Property (for Working Capital)Rooftop Solar InstallationAnnual Turnover Last Year (in Lacs) *Business Vintage *More than 10 YearsMore than 10 Years5-10 Years3-5 Years2-3 Years1-2 YearsLess than 1 YearAvg. available Bank Balance (in Lacs) *Electricity Bill of Business Premises Per Month (in Lacs) *Business Category *Please select..Manufacturer - Metal IndustryManufacturer - Plastic IndustryManufacturer - WoodWork IndustryManufacturer - Printing IndustryManufacturer - Paper & Packaging IndustryManufacturer - Textile IndustryManufacturer - Wood IndustryConstruction/Real Estate AgentSmall Business Owner/TraderSalaried/Govt. EmployeePolice/AdvocateMedia ProfessionalDSA/Recovery AgentAny other ProfessionCity *Do you have ITR? *Please select..YesNoCalculate Now Loan Eligibility Result: Eligibility (All Values in Lacs) Machine Value Upto: 714 Manufacturer/s Needs to be Acceptable to us Apply Now