Know the Difference Between a Gold Loan and a Business Loan Against Property

Know the Difference Between a Gold Loan and a Business Loan Against Property

A difficult financial situation can come unannounced. When such needs arise, securing a loan is often the best solution. Among the various loan options available, Gold Loans and Loans Against Property (BLAP) are two popular choices since they allow you to leverage the assets you already own. Understanding the differences between these loans can help you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals. 

To understand the differences between these two, we must get a clear understanding of both types of loans: 

What is a Gold Loan?

When you borrow a gold loan, you pledge your gold assets as collateral to secure the loan, and obtain funds from a lender. The loan amount is typically a percentage of the current market value of gold. This type of loan is straightforward and quick to process. 

Key Features of Gold Loans

Quick Processing and Disbursal: Gold loans are usually processed within a few hours, making them ideal for urgent financial needs. 

No Need for Credit History or Income Proof: Since the loan is secured by gold, lenders do not require extensive documentation or credit checks. Short ensure and Easy Repayment: Gold loans generally have shorter repayment periods, typically up to three years. This might make it difficult to repay, but the repayment options are easier. 

What is a Business Loan Against Property? 

In borrowing a business Loan Against Property (BLAP), you mortgage your residential or business property as collateral. The loan amount is determined based on the property value, which the lender evaluates. These loans are versatile and can be used for various purposes, from business expansion to personal expenses. 

Key Features of Business Loans Against Property 

Larger Loan Amounts and Longer Repayment Terms: BLAPs offer higher loan amounts and longer repayment periods, usually up to 15-20 years, making them suitable for substantial financial needs. People with fixed and uniform incomes, like salaried employees, can use this loan. 

Various Types of Properties Accepted as Collateral: Both residential and commercial properties can be used to secure a BLAP, providing flexibility in terms of the assets you can leverage. 

Difference Between Gold Loan and Business Loan Against Property: 

Here is a compiled set of differences at a glance to help you make the right choice: 

Aspect Gold Loan Business Loan Against Property 
Collateral Requirement Requires gold assets as collateral Requires real estate as collateral 
Loan Amount Generally offers smaller loan amounts based on the value of the gold Offers larger loan amounts based on the property’s market value 
Repayment Tenure Shorter tenure, usually up to 3 years Longer tenure, typically up to 15-20 years 
Processing Time Faster processing and disbursal, often within a few hours Relatively longer processing time due to property valuation and documentation 
Usage Flexibility Limited flexibility, usually suited for short-term needs Greater flexibility for various long-term financial needs, like business expansion, education, or home renovation 

Why is Business Loan Against Property a Better Choice? 

When comparing gold loans and loans against property, the latter often emerges as a better choice for several reasons: 

Higher Loan Amounts: Loans against property are ideal for significant financial needs, offering higher loan amounts that can support business expansions, higher education, or major renovations. 

Longer Repayment Tenure: With repayment terms extending up to 15-20 years, BLAPs provide easier repayment options and reduce the monthly financial burden. 

Flexibility of Use: Unlike gold loans, which are generally for short-term needs, BLAPs offer greater flexibility and can be used for a variety of purposes without stringent restrictions. 

Retaining Ownership: While your property is pledged as collateral, you retain ownership and can continue to use it, leveraging its value to meet your financial requirements. 

Potential for Better Financial Management: Structured EMIs over a longer period help in better financial planning and management, ensuring that you can meet your repayment obligations without stress. 

While gold loans are known for their quick processing, high liquidity, and short repayment periods, a Business Loan Against Property is more suitable when you need a larger sum of money. However, be prepared for a more extended processing time due to the thorough evaluation required. 


In summary, while both gold loans and business loans against property have their unique advantages, a loan against property often provides more financial benefits. It offers higher loan amounts, longer repayment terms, and greater flexibility of use, making it a preferred choice for those with significant financial needs. 

Always evaluate your personal financial situation and consult with an advisor to make the best decision for your circumstances. 


Why do people take business loans against property? 
People take loans against property to access large amounts of money for significant financial needs like business expansion, home renovation, or education. These loans offer longer repayment periods, lower interest rates, and flexible usage options while allowing borrowers to retain ownership of their property. Additionally, there may be potential tax benefits on the interest paid. 

What is the advantage of a business loan against property in India? 
The advantages of a business loan against property or mortgage loans in India include accessing larger loan amounts at lower interest rates. Borrowers benefit from longer repayment periods, which ease monthly financial burdens. The loan can be used for various purposes, such as business expansion, home renovation, or education, providing great flexibility. Additionally, borrowers retain ownership of their property and may enjoy potential tax benefits on the interest paid. 

What is the main difference between a gold loan and a business loan against property? 
The main difference between a gold loan and a business loan against property lies in the collateral used. A gold loan is a type of secured loan where you pledge your gold assets, while a business loan against property requires you to use the value of the property as collateral. 

Why might someone choose a property loan over a gold loan? 
Someone might choose a property loan over a gold loan if they need a larger loan amount and a longer repayment period. Since a business loan against property uses real estate as collateral, it typically offers higher loan amounts and longer terms compared to a gold loan, which is better suited for short-term needs.

Marul Kapoor
Marul Kapoor

Marul manages one of the key functions of the company as Head of Sales for Engineering Equipment Finance (EEF) and Product Head for Machine Financing. He has a strong sales and business development background having an experience of around 12 years.

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